(AIIMS NAGPUR) अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान नागपुर इथे 54 नवीन पदांसाठी भरती सुरु 2023

AIIMS Recruitment 2023 | AIIMS Nagpur Bharti 2023
AIIMS Nagpur Bharti 2023: AIIMS Nagpur (All India Institute of Medical Sciences Nagpur) Recruitment Board Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the vacant post of Associate Professor, Technical Assistant, Lab Technician, and Stenographer, etc. in AIIMS Nagpur. The application submission period will be from 4th July 2023 to 31 July 2023.
AIIMS Nagpur Professor job vacancies in Nagpur, Maharashtra 2023 updates are available here. All details about Nagpur AIIMS Recruitment job vacancies are available here with information about pay scale, age limit, educational qualification, and other details. Eligible candidates are requested to read the following job post carefully before applying for the post. Please comment below for more information.
अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान नागपुर विविध पद भरती 2023
AIIMS नागपूर ही एक सर्वोच्च आरोग्य सेवा संस्था आहे, जी भारत सरकारच्या आरोग्य आणि कुटुंब कल्याण मंत्रालयाने प्रधानमंत्री स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षा योजना (PMSSY) अंतर्गत देशातील दर्जेदार तृतीय स्तरावरील आरोग्यसेवेतील प्रादेशिक असमतोल दुरुस्त करण्याच्या उद्देशाने स्थापन केली आहे. कार्यकारी संचालक, AIIMS नागपूर यांनी भारतीय नागरिकांकडून थेट भरतीच्या आधारावर खालील पदांवर भरतीसाठी ऑनलाइन अर्ज मागवले आहेत. अर्ज सादर करण्याचा कालावधी 04 जुलै 2023 ते 31 जुलै 2023 पर्यंत असेल. सदर पदांची संख्या विज्ञापित पदाकरिता आवश्यक अर्हता व अटी, शर्ती शासन निर्णय अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान याप्रमाणे राहील. अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान नागपुर नोकरीच्या रिक्त जागांविषयी सर्व तपशील येथे उपलब्ध आहेत. पात्र उमेदवारांना पदासाठी अर्ज करण्यापूर्वी खालील जॉब पोस्ट काळजीपूर्वक वाचण्याची विनंती केली जाते. अधिक माहितीसाठी कृपया खाली टिप्पणी द्या. इच्छुक उमेदवारांनी 31/07/2023 पर्यंत अर्ज सादर करावे. अधिक माहितीकरिता कृपया खालील दिलेली PDF जाहिरात वाचा.
नौकरी स्थान |
नागपूर (महाराष्ट्र) |
संगठन/कार्यालय |
अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान (AIIMS Recruitment) |
जाहिरात क्र. |
AIIMS/NGP/REC/NonFaculty/2023/01 |
भर्ती प्रकार |
सरकारी नौकरी |
एकूण पद |
54 |
अर्ज/अवेदन प्रक्रिया |
ऑनलाइन अर्ज |
अधिकृत संकेत स्थळ |
https://aiimsnagpur.edu.in |
शैक्षणिक पात्रता |
10th, 12th pass, Medical Qualification,Post Graduate |
अर्ज अंतिम दिनांक |
31/07/2023 पर्यंत. |
District Wise NHM Recruitment जिल्ह्यानुसार राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य विभाग भरतीच्या जाहिरातीसाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करा
सरकारी नोकऱ्यांसाठी इच्छुक उमेदवार jobchjob.in या वेबसाईट वर जाऊन नवीन नोकरी अपडेटसाठी AIIMS Nagpur Bharti 2023/ AIIMS Nagpur Recruitment 2023 पोस्टस तपासू शकतात.
Nagpur AIIMS Recruitment Job Details
Post Details:- |
Associate Professor/ Reader |
02 posts |
Medical Social Worker |
01 post |
Technical Assistant/ Technician |
01 post |
Cashier |
01 post |
Junior Administrative Assistant (LDC) |
01 post |
Lab Technician |
05 posts |
Lab Attendant Grade II |
02 posts |
Stenographer |
01 post |
Hospital Attendant Grade III |
40 posts |
Nagpur AIIMS Bharti 2023 Eligibility Criteria
Educational Details [शैक्षणिक पात्रता] |
- Associate Professor/ Reader: Master’s degree in Nursing from a recognized Institution/ University, Registered Nurse and Midwife, 08 experience after M.Sc. Nursing including 05 years of teaching experience in Nursing.
- Medical Social Worker: MA (Social Work)/ MSW, with specialization in Medical Social Work, from a recognized Institution University, 05 years of experience in a government or private sector hospital of a minimum of 500 beds in line with a Welfare or Health Agency, preferably dealing with Medical/ Public Health Service.
- Technical Assistant/ Technician: B.Sc in Medical Lab Technology or equivalent, 5 years experience in the concerned field. Diploma in Medical Lab Technology or equivalent, 8 years experience in the concerned field. 12th with science with a diploma in OT techniques or equivalent concern field diploma in medical lab technology or equivalent with 8 years experience in concerned field.
- Cashier: Degree in Commerce from a recognized University or equivalent and at least 2 years experience of handling accounts work of Government Organizations and having proficiency in computer application
- Junior Administrative Assistant (LDC): 12th class or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University. skill test norms on computer typing speed @35 w.p.m. in English or @30 w.p.m. in Hindi. (Time allowed 10 minutes) ( @35 w.p.m. or @30 w.p.m.correspond to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)
- Lab Technician: 12th with Science, Diploma in Medical Lab Technology.
- Lab Attendant Grade II: 12th with Science, Diploma in Medical Lab Technology.
- Stenographer: 12th Class or equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university. Dictation – 10 minutes @80 wpm, Transcription – 50 minutes English or 65 minutes Hindi on a computer.
- Hospital Attendant Grade III: Matriculation from a recognized School/ Board, Certificate course in Hospital Services conducted by a recognized organization.
- For more details read the below Advertisement.
AIIMS Nagpur Bharti 2023 Age limits
Age limits [वय मर्यादा] as on 23/07/2023 |
- Associate Professor/ Reader: Upto 50 years.
- Medical Social Worker: Between 18- 35 years of age.
- Technical Assistant/ Technician: Between 25- 35 years.
- Cashier: Between 21- 30 years.
- Junior Administrative Assistant (LDC): Between 18- 30 years.
- Lab Technician: Between 21- 30 years.
- Lab Attendant Grade II: Between 18- 27 years.
- Stenographer: Between 18- 27 years.
- Hospital Attendant Grade III: Between 18- 30 years.
- Age relaxation for SC/ ST candidates 05 years, for OBC candidates 03 years, for PWD 10 years, and for Government Servants 05 years.
- For more details read the below Advertisement.
AIIMS Nagpur Bharti 2023 Salary Details
Salary Details |
- For more details read the below Advertisement.
AIIMS Nagpur Recruitment 2023 Application Fees
Application Fees [अर्ज फीस] |
- General/ OBC/ EWS/ Ex-Servicemen: Rs. 1000 /-
- SC/ ST: Rs. 800 /-
- For more details read the below Advertisement.
AIIMS Recruitment 2023 Selection Process
Selection Process |
- Interview
- Screening Test
- Computer-Based Test (CBT)
- Skill Test
AIIMS Nagpur Recruitment 2023 Required Documents
Required Documents |
- Valid Email ID.
- Scanned Passport size photograph of the candidate (in JPEG/ JPG format).
- Scanned signature of the candidate (in JPEG/ JPG format).
- Any other requirement, as per the advertisement.
How to Apply for AIIMS Recruitment 2023
How to Apply |
- The Eligible applicants must apply online through the website of AIIMS Nagpur https://aiimsnagpur.edu.in
- The last date for submission of the online application is 31/07/2023.
AIIMS Bharti 2023 Important Dates (महत्वाचे दिनांक): |
- अर्ज करण्याचा सुरुवात दिनांक – 04/07/2023
- अर्ज करण्याचा शेवट दिनांक – 31/07/2023 पर्यंत.
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AIIMS Bharti 2023 For AIIMS Nagpur Bharti Apply Online
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